Friday, May 15, 2020

7 Annoying Habits of LinkedIn Users

7 Annoying Habits of LinkedIn Users â€" only LinkedIn had an “Annoying” Button….Facebook recently unveiled its plans to start rolling out the Dislike Button , or perhaps this is a rumour. Reddit other web communities have a downvote button.I am wondering if LinkedIn should start rolling out an Annoying Button. Or even a Dislike Button.evalIf you are like most active LinkedIn users, you probably spend a good chunk of your working day on the Professional Networking Platform LinkedIn. Yes, LinkedIn is supposed to be a “Professional” network. And the habits of a few LinkedIn users are just plainly stupid and annoying.I wanted to share some Habits of LinkedIn users that drive others crazy.This post might come across as abrasive to some of my LinkedIn connections users â€" but someone has to say something. I am just echoing the sentiments of most LinkedIn users.Posting SelfiesYes, I have seen many selfies or mugshots on LinkedIn. Go to yo ur Home Page and you will see at-least three a day. And then you have 3 or 4 commenting and sharing these selfies.I have no issues with selfies, but LinkedIn is not the place. Sites like Facebook,Instagram are perfect places to upload your numerous selfies ; and I am sure you will have raving fans over there. But please for the love of your career and the sanity of other LinkedIn users â€" STOP this Habit.. now..2. Unprofessional updatesRecently I noticed on my home feed that a LinkedIn user shared a religious meme How is this helping someone advance their career or business? I commented on that post and respectfully requested them not to post such updates. I was not offended by the post “Great job opportunity for an experienced Accountant, I thought you might be a great fit for this role….”.And you noticed that along with yourself another 27 people I often, get emails from individuals whom I have never talked to â€" yet they send me a 5 page email on why their business is awe some should buy their product..I once had a guy send me his restaurant’s menu through LinkedIn. Seriously? I wonder how many of his LinkedIn connections showed up to his restaurant.6. I endorsed you, so please endorse meThe Skills section on LinkedIn is a place where you can showcase your expertise core-skills, and others Thank you very much for that. I appreciate your gesture Dear Stranger!!.Then , they turn around and send you a note asking for your to endorse all their skills. It is a the social version of “I scratch your back, so you scratch my back”. I personally find this unethical, I am uncomfortable endorsing someone I have not worked with. I feel cornered when people endorse me and then ask me to endorse them.7. Posting Links Announcements on LinkedIn PublishingRecently I read that LinkedIn Publishing now has more than 1 million writers. More than 1 million out of the total 380 Million users are now writing blogs, publishing articles,and sharing their wisdom with t he rest of the LinkedIn Ecosystem. This is great news â€" LinkedIn has truly democratized publishing.However, some users post things that do not have any value or relevance to the readers . For example, some users post an advertisement of their products. LinkedIn Publishing is not an advertorial. Give people value first.Some just post links or URLs as Long-posts. Although, I admit that the information is useful â€" the users should consider posting them as updates rather than posts.Some even post their resumes or job status on LinkedIn Publishing. I recently saw an user post that she is looking for a job. I have mentioned before that LinkedIn is a great avenue for job-hunting, however posting it on the Publishing section makes it unprofessional and even desperate.What are some other Habits of LinkedIn Users that you find annoying? Feel free to share if you found this article resourceful!!

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